Thursday, September 25, 2008

Scientific American - The Secret Life of Stars - Free Download Ebook


Scientific American INC. | English | PDF | 3.63 MB | 100 Pages

First Star
We live in a universe that is full of bright objects. On a clear night one can see thousands of stars with the naked eye. These stars occupy mere- ly a small nearby part of the Milky Way galaxy; tele- scopes reveal a much vaster realm that shines with the light from billions of galaxies. According to our current understanding of cosmology, howev- er, the universe was featureless and dark for a long stretch of its early history. The first stars did not appear until perhaps 100 million years after the big bang, and nearly a billion years passed before galaxies proliferated across the cosmos. Astron- omers have long wondered: How did this dramat- ic transition from darkness to light come about?
